By: Olivia Mode-Cater
It is summer! School is out and dance classes are over! It is finally time to rest, recover, and begin planning for next year. The summer is a wonderful opportunity to read and be inspired for 2018-2019 dance season. Here is my list of recommended summer reading:
Buckroyd, J. (2000).The student dancer. Emotional aspects of teaching and learning of dance. London: Dance Books.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990).Flow: The psychology of optimal experience.New York: Harper & Row.
Gibbons, E. (2007).Teaching dance: The spectrum of styles. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
Green-Gilbert. A. (2006). Brain-compatible dance education. Reston, VA: AAHPERD.
Green-Gilbert. A. (1992). Creative dance for all ages. Alexandria, VA: National Dance Association.
Joyce, Mary. (1984).Dance technique for children. Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield Pub. Co.
Kimmerle & Cote (2003). Teaching dance skills: A motor learning and development approach.Andover, NJ: Michael J. R. Publishing. ($40 at University of Windsor Bookstore
Minton, S. C. (2003).Dance, mind & body. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Sophras, P. (2006). Dance composition basics. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Smith-Autard, J. M. (2002).The art of dance in education (2nd ed.). London: A. & C. Black.
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